My Weight Goal

Healthier Lifestyle one day at a time

Etekcity Digital Body Weight Bathroom Scale

Showing the single result



  2. Marco SJ

    My favourite on the list are the Samsung Gear Fit Pro 2 and the Moov, because they can be used for swimming. This is what I’ve been searching for but I’ve been afraid to get one because I haven’t seen reviews. Thanks for sharing your list.

    What would be great with these are waterproof headsets; know about any?

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Thanks for your comments and feedback Marco SJ. Look for my upcoming post on waterproof headsets to help  you find one that will work for you.

  3. Tanya6

    I can’t thank you enough for this. I am one of those people who grabs my phone first thing in the morning, checking emails and responding. Sometimes before I know it, 3 hours have went by and I have not eaten. I am going to start tomorrow by stretching first before ANYTHING. Thank you for offering stretching techniques so that I don’t have to try to figure out which stretches to start with.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Tanya6, I am so happy to know that this article has helped inspire you to reshape your focus so you can accomplish more. Thank you very much for your feedback

  4. Tanya

    I can’t thank you enough for this. I am one of those people who grabs my phone first thing in the morning, checking emails and responding. Sometimes before I know it, 3 hours have went by and I have not eaten. I am going to start tomorrow by stretching first before ANYTHING. Thank you for offering stretching techniques so that I don’t have to try to figure out which stretches to start with.

  5. Josh Ellery

    Wow what a great idea to lose weight, salsa! I never would of thought of that but it seems perfect. Your moving fast to the beat and your enjoying yourself at the same time. I think I was dancing with an attractive woman, I would burn my fair share of pounds in no time!

    As you mentioned it also makes you more social. Just from reading this I see so many benefits to doing salsa I might try it myself, very persuasive

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Awesome Josh! Thanks for your comments. Try it, I’d love to hear your results.

  6. Ray Martinez

    I am not a diabetic. But it does run in my family. Although I do typically have a cup of coffee in the morning, I normally drink it with creamer. Which I never considered to look at what that might do as far the sugar in it. How did you go to not using sugar in your coffee as I am not sure I could handle the taste of just black coffee. What would you suggest? Also 3 cups is a lot of coffee! at least for me! What can I do at home to help keep diabetes out of my life? Thanks for the easy read!

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Ray, It took some adjustments to go from someone who took their coffee extra light, extra sweet. I started by cutting back 1/2 tsp of sugar at a time. This way I could adjust to the less sweet taste. What you’ll find is that once you have adjusted to less sugar little by little, to none, you really won’t miss the sugar. Creamer does have some sugar and that you will soon discover is more than enough. 

      As for keeping diabetes away, that depends upon your system, overall health and eating habits. I suggest try to eat more balanced meals. I have always been one who would choose the fried chicken instead of grilled. Eat less of the bad foods, add more fruit  and vegetables to your meals and exercise. 

      This may sound like a lot, but I have found that if you start slowly, make a conscious effort to eat healthier and  schedule time to walk starting at 15 minutes a day, you will feel better, move better and become healthier. 

      Ray, I appreciate your comments. Hope this response to your question helps.

  7. sharoncl

    I never thought of mediation before these stretches look easy enough to do as i have high stress levels at the moment.
    I like the to do list that is a good idea, i do pick my phone up alot during the day, this will now stop as it is not until you read information like this it shows you where you are going wrong , so thank you for the input, i am looking forward to a stress free head.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      That’s Awesome Sharonci! I’d love to hear your results. 

  8. Matt's Mom

    I have heard of most of these diets for sure. I am just curious, if you had to rank them, which diets would be at the top of your list as the best overall diet. I mean with regards to success rate. I know that Weight Watchers has always been up there and I have done them before. Easy enough plan to follow with their points system. Any of the other diets you consider better than WW?

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      There are so many diets out there. Some good and others more of a fad. These diets are all tried and true and work. Weight Watcher’s has been on the top of the leader board for years because it meats nutritional guidelines, is lifestyle oriented and it works. The other diets although easy to follow can be a somewhat restrictive if you have food allergies or are a picky eater. This is the reason I did not rank them. 

      I will be covering newer and trendy diets in future posts. Stay tuned…

      I do truly appreciate your comments and question. Thank you. 

  9. Crystal

    Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro is what I will be trying out.

    I take a swim each morning before I go to work so anything I wear must be able to handle the salt water. It has all the functions that I need.

    Thanks for the suggestion. Those videos were really helpfull

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Crystal! I’m happy that you found this helpful. Enjoy your Samsung Gear Fit 2 Pro!

  10. Steve & Kris

    I have heard that coffee has a lot of awesome “stuff” in it that is good for us. You have a great paragraph on all the wonderful ingredients that are in coffee, antioxidants, etc. I have never been a coffee drinker, but I love the smell. I think you have some great points, but where people might get in trouble is when they order a double chocolate, extra sugar, blah, blah, blah, and call it coffee. That is very interesting that women who drink four cups of coffee per day are less likely to develop diabetes. I would never have guessed that. It’s amazing the plants available to us naturally, have so much good stuff inside. Great post, thank you for sharing.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Thanks for your comments Steve & Kris. I’ve always found coffee and it’s benefits an interesting topic. It’s so easy to reduce the benefits of foods and beverages we consume by the way it is prepared. The more sugar, flavors and toppings you add to coffee the quicker it becomes a “fancy sugary drink” giving you temporary energy, a lot of calories and increased risk of health related issues over time. 

      Happy you enjoyed the article.

  11. Darmendra

    Hi Lorrie,

    Great tips to reduce that horrible beer gut.
    In fact, I found your suggestion about drinking a glass of water between each beer very interesting because as you say this way we are saving 150 calories!
    I neither knew that climbing stairs make me burn more calories than jogging, so I think I’ll climb more stairs at my gym.

    Great article.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Thanks for your comments. Happy that you enjoyed the article. 

      Climbing raises the heart rate  while increasing your core muscle strength. This benefits your abs, glutes, calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. You get toned. 

       Please check back to let me know about your stair climbing success at the gym. 

  12. Cathy

    Hey Lorrie, love these products that you’ve presented as I am looking to get a fitness tracker this coming Christmas for my sister. She’s very much into sports and activities but doesn’t like the hassle of monitoring data on her wrist all the time.

    Moov seems like a very neat tool and I am guessing you need to wear some ear devices to listen to the coaching. Does it come together with the set or do you have to purchase them separately? Thank you.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      The motion trackers and heart rate monitors are separate each starting at $59. The motion tracker is for the wrist or ankle, the heart rate monitor is for the chest or worn as a sweatband. I love the motion tracker.  Hope this helps

  13. Rob S.

    This is really good advice which I would use when going on my cruise.
    That’s a hard time to control eating and sticking to a diet for sure.
    I have learned to plan things out. It’s important to look ahead when you’re trying to diet.
    Drinking water before you eat is always a good idea and I do it all the time. It fills you up and is good for you.
    And it’s always better to have more salads and vegetables and not go back for seconds.
    Would you suggest any appetite suppressants?
    These are great ways to stick to it!

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Rob, 

      I don’t suggest appetite suppressants unless you and your doctor feel it’s needed. I find that when you find healthier snacks like fruit, granola bars, veggies(celery, & carrots) or protein bars and you drink water instead of sugary drinks while traveling it really helps. 

      Once you’re at your destination, planning ahead and continuing to select the healthier foods first helps you keep your momentum. 

  14. angie

    Hi Lorrie

    Dieting when you travel!!! This is a tricky one for sure. Other than fruits, what suggestions do you have for packable foods? I have a hard time with bread, I love bread and I know it’s not healthy. Unfortunately, I don’t have any tips to give as I usually blow it when traveling but I did get some good tips from you and I thank you for that.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Angie, 

      Thanks for your comment. 

      You’ll find nuts, protein bars, pretzels, rice cakes, snack size peanut butter, trail mix, applesauce cups, granola, kale chips pop chips, popcorn and sunflower seeds easy to pack, healthy and delicious. 

  15. Elaine Smith

    A new term our family is getting used to also. Working on Cleaning out our systems of all the unnatural processed foods and eating fresh veggies and fruits.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Thanks for your comment. This is a newer term people are getting used to. It’s so important to wash fruits and veggies and to try to eat and lessen intake of processed foods.


  16. Kyle Green

    I love those men’s new balance shoes, those are fresh! I’ve always loved new balance and the shoes they have produced. They are still one of my favorite shoe brands. I also love the look of that messenger canvas bag. That is something I need and I would use it everyday! I’m always looking for new gift ideas, thank you.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Kyle! Thank you for your comments. New Balance shoes are very comfortable and wear well. That canvas bag is pretty awesome, I picked one up for my son not long ago and he loves it. 

  17. jessie palaypay

    Is it okay to have a resting heart rate below 60 beats per minute? I hear this is a common thing for athletes that are extremely in shape.

    I am asking because you say that it is a cause for concern to see a doctor if you have a low pulse rate.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      HI Jessie, Thanks for asking this great question. Athletes and those that are in excellent shape or highly conditioned can have a resting heart rate between 40 and 60 beats per minute. This rate can also be noticed when the average person is sleeping. 

  18. stefanie taylor

    Hi Lorrie, this is wonderful advice and really easy to follow. I suffered insomnia for years and it wrecked my health, it really can turn into an illness in itself. I found that when I was in the depths of really bad insomnia the only thing that helped me was the diet thing. I totally gave up sugar and as soon as I did that I could sleep like a baby, quite literally. Obviously a sugar free diet is a very hard thing to do for most, but I just didn’t have a choice in the end. I am now back to normal, thankfully, and at a point where I do all your other suggestions and they just help to keep things ticking over nicely.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Thank you Stephanie for commenting. Insomnia is an illness and many don’t realize how much it can affect your overall health until you or someone you know experience it. I’m so happy you are doing everything necessary to keep your health in balance. Wishing you happy and continuous healthy days!

  19. Steve & Kris

    I agree that jumping rope is insanely good cardio, Floyd Mayweather is definitely proof of that. You have outlined some very valid points, building your calf muscles, you can take a jump rope with you anywhere. I have tried jumping rope, but I can only do it for a few minutes at a time and then my forearms start to ache. I can’t imagine doing it for 20 minutes 3 times per week! I am sure that would get better with time. Thanks for sharing, this is a reminder of other ways to burn some calories.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Steve & Kris, 

      Thank you for taking time to comment. Jumping rope for 20 minutes is really hard to do because you’re working your entire body. Start with 3 minutes and build slowly. I have found that works well to help you get used to this activity. 

  20. Thabo

    Hi Lorrie,
    I enjoyed reading your post on jumping rope because that is my favorite form of exercise for all the reasons you have mentioned.
    Here is an interesting thing that has happened to me since I started using rope jumping as a regular form of exercise. I have become more in tune with my body to the point that I can tell when I am starting to breathe out of sink with my my muscles. Has that happened to you?

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      HI Thabo! Thanks for taking a moment to comment. Cardio activity will change your heart rate and may breathing pattern. Yes, it has  happened to me. That can mean that you’re doing a bit more than you should. Suggestion is to slow it down. If it happens often, check with your doctor. 

  21. Robert

    Totally love the idea.

    Really love your suggestions. The custom or special scents that fill the area sounds like real therapy. In addition I would have never thought of a sign to keep it quiet during that time. Quiet. That is soothing.

    Thank you for your opening my eyes. Have to get on this right away before the scent wears off.

    What is your favorite idea for the bathroom?

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Robert! Thanks for you comments. 

      One of my favorite scents for the bathroom or home is by Jo Malone called Pomegranate Noir

      I also like to change the rugs and shower curtains to reflect the seasons.Like these from Horchow

      Hope this ideas help. 

  22. Alex

    This sounds absolutely delicious and perfect for the holiday season. It also sounds really easy to make which is great!

    I’m just wondering whether this recipe could be done with hot chocolate instead of coffee? Especially for the little ones who won’t be drinking coffee. Do you have any other alternatives for this recipe?

    Enjoy the holidays!

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi Alex, Thanks for your comment. Yes, this recipe is really easy to make. For the little ones or those who don’t drink coffee, here is a recipe alternative I hope you’ll love:

      Happy Holidays! 

  23. John Rico

    Hello there! Holiday season is coming and gift giving is coming also. I have two sister and they love to workout. I’m looking for a gift that I could give them. I don’t know what to give them. Luckily, I found your article about different things a girl can wear when going to the gym and their prices. I will surely buy them something this holiday. Thank you for sharing this.

    1. Lorrie Pearson

      Hi John!

      Thank you for you comment. I am so happy you got the article to be helpful.

      Have a fabulous holiday! 

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